Illinois Territory CensusImages of the Territory Census of 1818
HistoryKat contains digitized records and resources for local and family historians. Using a combination of images digitized for HistoryKat and related content from other sources, HistoryKat provides historical context to each record set, providing a greater understanding of why the record set was created and the environment surrounding the geographic area where the record was produced. The resources on HistoryKat are provided free of charge, although we do still maintain copyright over those portions of the site that we created specifically for HistoryKat. Where possible, we try to include any references that will assist the researcher in gaining a better understanding of the resources that they are using.
Collections (links to the collections available on HistoryKat) |
United States Census Second Census, 1800 • Third Census, 1810
Northwest Territory Census Tardiveau Contract, 1787 • Settler Estimate, 1793
Illinois Census Recensement, 1726 • Recensement, 1732 • Recensement, 1752 • Gage's Dispatch, 1767 • Territory, 1818 • State, 1820
Locations (links to the locations available on HistoryKat) |
HistoryKat Search (a full-text search of pages on HistoryKat;not all names on all records are indexed) |
Type your search terms into the form below and then click the Search button. The following are some search hints to better refine your results:- Use quotation marks to search specifically on a term -- such as, "genealogy toolbox" will yield results where the words genealogy and toolbox are next to each other;it is the most restrictive search
- Use the AND operator for pages containing each search term -- such as, Genealogy AND Toolbox will yield results where both words are on the page, but not necessarily next to each other
- Use the OR operator for pages containing any of the search terms -- such as, Genealogy OR Toolbox will yield results where either word is on the page
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- Use the * wildcard to receive results with any ending -- for example, the search Helm* will yield results with Helm, Helms, Helme, Helmes, Helmsing
- You can also use combinations of operators -- for example "George Helm" NOT Kentucky